Human Forms

The Huff-Duffer has came up with, in my opinion, aremarkable signup form (below). The signup form has this unique ‘human’ feeling that led to the following exchange between me and, Adam, a work colleague. Me: New approach to signup forms personally like it. More ‘human’.What do you think? Adam: I have mixed feelings about this… First off, as I...

Finally! Ubuntu on Pavillion

After intending to dual boot my unstable Vista into Ubuntu for a while, I finally had enough  time this weekend to do it. Let me just say that Ubuntu is living up to its claim of making Linux for Human Beings. The boot from Ubuntu CD was a no-go. I found that Wubi would essentially install Ubuntu (without the...


It’s that time again where a new application catches my eyes (and mind). Zoomii: the [near] real online bookstore. I remembered Alexaholic/Statsaholic’s story and wondered how long will Amazon allow Zoomii to survive.

Selling V*

Apparently I was marketing some medications through this blog. After dwindling Google result ranking, I discovered that my old installation of wordpress (ancient 2.1) was vulnerable enough to allow unauthorized template modifications. All is fine now isA. Do you still have the adverts for the medications? I was looking to buy some but can’t find a reputable company.Just kidding...

Jobalytics – a Passenger on Dreamhost

After Ninh pointed out Dreamhost’s mod_rails news, I was tempted to get my hands dirty deploying a test application. I revivied one of my long lost pets (that hated the FCGI it was running on), made some modifications, and capified it to my Dreamhost’s account. And … It was a breeze. The deployment process (including capistrano script modifications, and...

Passenger (mod_rails) on Dreamhost

I got an update from Ninh Bui from Passenger fame about Dreamhost progress on mod_rails adoption. We’re working closely with Dallas Kashuba (CTO of Dreamhost) on getting Passenger ‘dreamhost’ ready (even though we’ve inferred it was already production ready, taking on a huge hosting company is a challenge on its own, i.e. it’s in its own league 🙂 ).We’re...

Man or SUV

The amount of corn needed to produce a full tank of gas for an SUV is enough to feed a person for a whole year. The 2008 World Development Report “Agriculture for Development” provides a compelling example of the food-for-fuel debate: over 240 kilograms (or 528 pounds) of corn – enough to feed one person for a whole year...

Rails deployment that suits Rails development

The guys from Phusion – The Computer Science Company – released mod_rails (Passenger) today. I’m just feeling unusually happy. They made a great job not only producing that longly-awaited piece of software (years in the waiting), but also creating a great hype, marketing, documenting, testing, and nailing down the details that made Rails deployment as easy and as enjoyable...

Sales Techniques

Steve Howard from MLE Systems has started talking to me about Sales techniques and, man, do I love it! Although, Sales is a modern “survival” skill, it’s hardly taught in schools for non-business majors (what a shame). Being a techie, you become more involved into tech details and, like it or not, social skills (including sales) quickly withdraw from...