Tamer Salama

Eclipse and JSPs plugins

I’m fed up with trying to get an Eclipse plugin for JSP editing. I just want a simple opensource plugin that would help me with JSP editing. LOMBOZ won’t work with Eclipse 3.1 (mined the mailing lists, forums with no chance/time to get it to work). Others do not provide any decent functionalities. I will try the Web Tools...

Wonderful CSS

One of my new found hobbies: admiring various CSS designs at CSS Vault, CSS Zen Gardens and CSS Beauty.Firefox nifty developer’s plugin, Web Developer Extension helps me dissects those designs.

Are Java Developers spreading too thin?

Just a thought… are we spreading ourselves too thin? Plethora of specifications, patterns, frameworks, tools, articles, bugs, work-arounds and issuesto read, learn, prototype and use. I can hardly find time for anything else – not even to generate revenue from these things I learn. And as the spectrum widens the burden increase. Has anyone else felt the same? Migrated...

OFBiz Mysteries

Still exploring the mysteries of OFBiz. Why is this stuff so obscure? I beleive it’s a wonderful product but, as it has been mentioned before, the docs are way behind. I managed to get some data into OFBiz DB via Web Tools XML Import functionality, but, would have loved to know how data in various tables are interdependent (business...

MySQL with X for XML

While trying to transfer some data from MySQL into OFBiz, I had to format these in XML. MySQL options came to the rescue. The command line tool from MySQL have this cool option (mysql -X …)  that helps formatting any resultset into XML. I just had to do some text replacements and encoding then uploaded the data into OFBiz.

Checkboxes and Composite Keys – Friends or Foes

What do you think is the best technique in setting up the value of a checkbox if it corresponds to a database record that has a Composite Key? Should one concatenate the values representing the composite key, then, parse those values again at the server side when the form is submitted? Is there a more elegant teqhnique? Any custom...

Career Crossroads

Thought of Sharing my Career Crossroad issue: Back to School for a PhD (I’d belong to a better environment, but have to wait at least 6 years for a decent income) , or; Establish a Company for providing Business Solutions based on OpenSource (Good for applying thoughts, Keep my day job, but I would still be in same overall...

Hibernate – passing a complete object to HQL or find()

I’m currently experimenting with Hibernate (hope I’d get back to OFBiz soon; or that OFBiz uses Hibernate sooner). Is there a way that I can retrieve (find/load) records from the database using my an object in the following manner: {% highlight java %} …myObject.setFoo(f);myObject.setBar(b);//foo and bar does not relate to the Object’s primary keys//Other properties have null or unset...

I’m Back

Lack of motivation for posting? Perhaps. I’ve been also busy with some of my research – basically about my own career. I found myself attending some management studies by Inistitute of Management Development (based on a nomination by the HR). This doesn’t mean that I’ll be managing anything (except maybe time and myself) in the near future, but it’s...