Tamer Salama

jBPM Sample Process in Tomcat

Deploying jBPM sample application (payraiseprocess application) to Tomcat – my experience with some tricky issues: Added the jar files (commons-fileupload.jar, commons-validator.jar, commons-digester.jar, jakarta-oro.jar) to jBPM application library (WEB-INF\lib) or to <jbpm-directory>\lib if you’re going to perform a build (required after Hibernate mapping modification below). I got “Cannot find ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans collection” error when calling the jbpm application without...

Google Suggests.

The coolest web tool I’ve seen in a while. Google Suggests works by suggesting some search results WHILE YOU ARE TYPING search keywords (without refreshing the page). Thanks go to Chris Justus from Server Side Guy for pointing out the service and its internals. The google code uses an XMLHttp object to make calls back to google, and executing...


Couple of days ago, I had a very refreshing talk with some bright brains about Opensource (and other issues). It was interesting to meet up with ppl who appreciate Opensource as a mean of doing business, and as a way of (feasibly) creating reliable solutions. I’m looking forward to more talks (I’ll keep readers posted).

… and Eclipse again

Despite that I like Netbeans (with also emotional attachement as it is the first IDE I’d worked with), I switched back to Eclipse after managing to get Lomboz JSP editor working (It worked on Eclipse 3.0 with EMF installed, it previously refrained to work on 3.1M3 with “Unable to Create Part” error). Some of the reasons that made me...

Netbeans Again

I’m going back to NetBeans. One year ago I ditched NetBeans and went for eclipse (partly becuase of speed, partly because of interface), but the lack of opensource simple JSP editors had made me take the decision of going back to netbeans (hope I won’t regret it).NetBeans comes bundled with its own JSP editors and built in web container...

The future is here (if you’re in Japan)

While store shopping, ever wondered how much that book, CD, gadget… cost on Amazon? Now, according to a Gizmodo article (slashdotted here), if you’re in Japan, you can easily know the price of that item by photographing its barcode via your cellphone (equipped with freely downloadable software), and send its info to Amazon.co.jp to know its price, and buy...

W:Bloggar – Cool Tool

This is my first post using W:Bloggar(Well sort of – I had to post it first to the blog, then publish it from there – WBloggar gave me a type mismatch error). What a wonderful tool, It simply rocks (just hope it works 🙂 What else could one need? (mmmm…. an eclipse plugin for JSP editing? 🙂 Thanks to...

Eclipse going back to Netbeans

I’m still so tired having no decent JSP plugins. Eclipse’s Web Tools Platform (M1) is not working with Eclipse (3.1 M3) or at least I can’t set it up to work correctly (it can’t even detect any changes even with “-clean” flag). LOMBOZ was working on 2.1 and could be working with 3.0, but not with 3.1M3 (as far...

Changes to my Blog

Recent changes: Background title image (sunset.jpg): The picture was taken during September 2004 in Alexandria, Egypt. The beach is Aida beach (yes, the same name as that of the opera). Rearrangements and Additions to the right navigation bar and in the CSS. Recent Comments Shortcut based on Euxx’s velocity code (I guess I’ve already started wtih with Velocity scripting)....