After boarding the Royal Jordanian (RJ) plane heading for Amman, and while waiting for the take-off we were asked by the stewardess to hand in all what we have of, not knives, not nail clippers, not sprays, not cork screws, not shoes, but rather hand in all of our Guavas!

Some people have boarded the plane with some guava seeds, and as per RJ, the Guava aroma causes irritation to the Pilot. I have to agree that it doesn’t feel right taking food on board of planes, especially smelly one. The aroma was so daunting that some passengers started to sneeze themselves. Yet, this was the strangest of all air travel etiquette I’ve ever experienced.
Anyways, RJ was kind enough to hand the passengers their guavas once we landed. So, for all those guava lovers who can’t part with their favourite fruit – don’t fly Jordanian

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