
Ruby on Rails Presentation

Yesterday I presented Ruby on Rails for the first “real” time to a group of developers and interested minds. I think it went well. It was an introduction that covered a step-by-step for developing a simple issue tracking application (we traded off many of the application features to exploring the capabilities of Ruby and Ruby on Rails). The intelligent...

Keeping Busy (2/3) – Schoolata school reviews

I started a while back to gather info about different schools as I’ll be applying to my 3 year-old for school this year. After the numerous opinions I’ve received, I decided to put up a website to collect reviews of Egyptian schools. Introducing Schoolata with 100% Ruby on Rails. It’s still in its infancy (pre-alpha that’s to say), and...

Rails 1.0

Rails 1.0 is out. A similarly great project should be at a 2.0 release with such features. But Rails folks seem down to earth. Thanks guys. The release celebrations included launching a remake of ruby on rails website inspired by 37 Signals.

Enterprise Ruby on Rails

Yet again Ruby on Rails vs Java stack argument. But this time it’s a true and tried case study for using Rails to write an enterprise-class health care system – CenterNet (or at least part of it) and its comparison with the use of Java stack. The system according to the mailing list post is N * 1,000 dedicated...

Rails ActiveRecord StatementInvalid Invalid Argument

I was getting ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in <controller#method>. The error was a bit weird, since I was getting it after a period of inactivity (overnight). The server was using a connection to the database which MySQL has closed due to a long period of inactivity I reopened the Rails Ticket as it seems the problem is not yet solved (at least...

Rails Likes and Dislikes

This is my impressions about Rails after rolling out an Issue Tracking system in 1 week (I might put it on for a taste of what can be accomplised in 1 week). Likes: Ease of use. Help developers focus on business aspects rather than configuration, integration issues. Smooth learning curve. AJAX wowing helpers and js libraries. The power...

Shiny Small Beautiful Ruby

As the pragmatic programmer once said: It’s time for a new language. The hype is all around Ruby and Rails. I thought it might be a good time to revisit an age-old web application (Tomcat/Struts/JDBC/MySQL). Based on Developerworks article: it seems that RoR uses a tech stack similar to some J2EE frameworks (Container/MVC/Persistence/DB) with room for scalability and maintainability.Moreover...

After registering, I came across a generous offer from Pratik ( I dropped him a couple of lines and voila! I was on his server with free space and bandwidth. Thanks Pratik. I plan on a Ruby/Rails app plus some additional stuff if space permitted.