Recent Visitors

I added Recent Visitor Geographical Info to the list of sidebar links: First registered for a free account with GVisit and added their script to the blog. Got hold of GVisit RSS feed for recent-visitors’ geographical locations (couldn’t find the RSS link on their website today, seems to have been removed, but replacing the map.php with rss.php in the...

Freemarker / Spring / jBPM / Hibernate / MySQL

I’m on a new gig. Freemarker + Spring + JBoss jBPM + Hibernate + MySQL + …. Sounds like a dangerous mix (nu-b in the first 4), but I’m up for the challenge. Wish me luck. Any comments/suggestions? Anything on jBPM in particular? (seems fairly new, least mature, least documented among the mix). I’ll try to keep the blog...

After registering, I came across a generous offer from Pratik ( I dropped him a couple of lines and voila! I was on his server with free space and bandwidth. Thanks Pratik. I plan on a Ruby/Rails app plus some additional stuff if space permitted.

Shiny Small Beautiful Ruby

As the pragmatic programmer once said: It’s time for a new language. The hype is all around Ruby and Rails. I thought it might be a good time to revisit an age-old web application (Tomcat/Struts/JDBC/MySQL). Based on Developerworks article: it seems that RoR uses a tech stack similar to some J2EE frameworks (Container/MVC/Persistence/DB) with room for scalability and maintainability.Moreover...

Matt’s OSCON posts – Priceless

Attending OSCON 2005 in Portland, OR, USA: $1890.00 (+expenses).Reading Matt Raible’s posts about OSCON when you’re on the other side of the globe: priceless. These are for my enjoyment 🙂 [OSCON] Next week in Portland. [OSCON] Monday Morning (Facets of Ruby) [OSCON] Monday Afternoon (Ruby on Rails – Enjoying the ride of programming) [OSCON] Tuesday Afternoon (Creating Passionate Users)...

Open Source Rating

Finally, a rating system for open source software. Business Readiness Rating is an initiative sponsored by Carnegie Mellon, O’Reilly, Spikesource, Intel. The rating would include categories such as functionality, usability, quality, security, documentation and technical support. This would cut to the chase in selecting an OS solution, and would help mature solutions get more recognition. I look forward to...

Remote deploy to Websphere – Take 3

First post is here Second Post is here This is still work in progress and needs refinement (a How-I-Did-It not a How-To). Running with Rational Application Developer w/Interim Fix 003. Although I’ve tested the concepts, yet, I haven’t yet managed to executea compete cycle of Checkout (from CVS), Build App, Generate EAR, DeployEAR to server. I still have...

Remote Deploy to Websphere – Take 2

First post is here Third post is here I found out that the provided IBM ant tasks are designed to run from within eclipse (apparently as plugins, through a set of clicks).In order to run them as _Headless Tasks_ (IBM: “Headless” means running builds from the command line without using the WebSphere Studio or Rational Application Developer GUI) they...

Remote Deploy to Websphere – Should it be that difficult?

Second Post is here Third post is here In an effort to ease our deployment cycle, I’ve been trying to develop simple ANT scripts to deploy to a remote server running Websphere 6.0. To my joy, I found that IBM was kind enough to provide ANT tasks that take care of the deployment (wsInstall, wsadmin) [Poor me: I thought...