
Google Reader

Thanks to that someone/thing who came to my blog from Google Reader, I wouldn’t have known that the labs has came up with such a nice service. It’s your favourite feed reader (except of course being a server side one), in addition to a website subscription service. You can also use OPML to import your current lists. I also...


Came across qooXdoo and I love it.Hard to choose a favorite widget as they’re all quite nice (Tree, Menu, Color Picker, Overlapping Window, Gallery, …). It also seems that integrating them into apps is easy, so, I might give them a try sooner. qooxdoo is an advanced open-source javascript based toolkit. qooxdoo continues where simple HTML is not enough...

Recent Visitors

I added Recent Visitor Geographical Info to the list of sidebar links: First registered for a free account with GVisit and added their script to the blog. Got hold of GVisit RSS feed for recent-visitors’ geographical locations (couldn’t find the RSS link on their website today, seems to have been removed, but replacing the map.php with rss.php in the...

Google Sitemaps

Trying out Google Sitemaps. Vaguely, looks like the service is supposed to make Google some sort of website subscriber. Following Google’s instructions: Downloaded python script from sourceforge (along with example config,urllist files). Created the urllist.txt including most of my urls with their parameter values based on their database values. Created config.xml (following example_config.xml) – pointing to the newly created...

CSS Color Scheme Generator

As a start of my blog’s CSS revamping – I found this gem. A Color Scheme generator (Javascript based) with lots of cool features (It suggests a plethory of schemes just by dragging the dot on the color wheel). I especially liked their variations of (Pastel, Dark Pastel, …) The website also has a lot of CSS tips which...

Wonderful CSS

One of my new found hobbies: admiring various CSS designs at CSS Vault, CSS Zen Gardens and CSS Beauty.Firefox nifty developer’s plugin, Web Developer Extension helps me dissects those designs.