Google has modified its homepage making it more usable and neater (as if it wasn’t so already).


A selection box is now placed to the right of the search box, giving user a one click search to any of the search options (Web, images, news, blogs, groups, groogle, local, scholar, books, video).
Previously it was a two-click way, where user have to first click the desired search option (Images, news, etc…) then type in the search keywords.
Now, I could swear I’ve seen such modification somewhere else before. Someone has suggested this modification to the homepage, but I don’t remember where I’ve seen it. If you do, please point it out.
Didn’t I tell you I’ve seen it somewhere? It was on the Redesigning Google post on Google Blogoscoped blog by “Philipp Lenssen”.
Here it is :

Google redesigned homepage is nowhere to be found. I wonder what happened? Was it a prototype? Was it a figment of my imagination?