

After using the CSS Framework from Content-with-style for a few years, I grew tired of how it’s structured, and how difficult it is to customize. Along came Blueprint-CSS. A great concept, and wonderful implementation. And with the new BlueprintCSS Generator plugin for Rails from Ariejan.net, how can I resist using it. I’m rolling it out in my current project...

2D to 3D Innovation from Fotowoosh

The most innovative imaging service I’ve seen since Riya and Photosynth. Fotowoosh, a real innovation, through Freewebs. The service (currently in alpha) takes your regular 2D images and transfers them into 3D ones automatically. </embed> I guess this makes freewebs a very good buyout candidate to <place_your_favorite_company_here> via TechCrunch

Web 2.0 for Sale

I still can get a laugh seeing some applications. Web 2.0 Application for sale – helping you flip 🙂 http://web2.0forsale.com/

Less is more – more is less

Well … I guess it’s never too late. I’ve seen this video a while back, but, why not share the admiration with few more. “The Paradox of Choice – Why More Is Less” by Prof. Barry Schwartz – Google Tech Talks series. </embed>

Endless Pageless by Unspace

A Great paging pattern has been implemented by Unspace. The ‘Pageless Endless’ pattern uses Ajax to load the ‘next’ result page content at the bottom of the current (single) result page. Easy and simple, I like it. Similar patterns have been around (Rico’s Activegrid et al), but, this is the least intrusive I’ve seen. Demo: Live FilterVia: Quoted-Printable powered...

Off to toot

I’m off to Amman, Jordan, to meet the team behind iToot.  We’ll be mostly talking RoR, the web, and whatever we’ll come up with. I first came to know itoot from their posting on jobs.rubynow where they announced a need for a RoRailer. We started corresponding back in April, but things didn’t materialize except in the last couple of...

Auto Tagging / Term Extraction

Remember the idea I once had? (as if I have dedicated reads 🙂 .. Well, it’s resurfaced again. As I was reviewing itoot, I wanted to know what itoot bloggers are really talking about. So, another Mashup? pretty close. My idea was to aggregate the feeds, parse them, pass their contents to an auto-tagging service/API, then put the result...

Me… Cartoonized

I was finally able to cartoonize my photo, not bad (I think). Karl’s tutorial (Family Portrait Artist) is real fun, extremely easy to follow and is making rounds (via SVN via Photojojo). Will be doing more photos of family and friends. As for the photo making itself, I used Inkscape, didn’t bother to spend time on hair for obvious...

Keeping Busy (3/3) – Joomla-based Website

Helping some friends put up a brochure website, I sifted through my blog daddy’shref=”http://naibledesigns.com/page/nd?anchor=open_source_cms_evaluation_part”target=”_blank”>Open Source CMS Evaluation and comments in which he picked up Drupal(with positive reviews about Joomla). I decided to go for Joomla afterinstalling both. After ignoring some confusing terminology, Joomla’s admin interface is easy and tempting, friends justpicked it up without the need of lengthy training...

Google Buys Measure Map

It’s not only Yahoo! It’s Google as well. Shopping never stops. The news is out that Google has bought Measure Map, a nice analytics services for bloggers that was developed by Adaptive Path. It wasn’t clear in the mail I’ve received as alpha user how this goes. Things are clearer at Adaptive path website: Google bought Measure Map the...